holger friese
[description] needs no description

[date] 1995, netscape 1.1

[context] was shown at documentaX 1997, 3th werkleitz biennale 1998, net_conditon zkm 1999
some of the floppies are still available at Schipper and Krome, Berlin.

[more info] see: http://wawrwt.iar.unicamp.br/texto09.htm text by helia vannucchi
http://www.avantart.com/art/edocumenta.html text by cornelie müller-gödecke
http://blitzreview.thing.at/blitzreview/b-388.html by christoph blase
http://blitzreview.thing.at/blitzreview/b-390.html by christoph blase
http://www.502.org/friese/unendlich/text.html text by simon lamuniere

[status] online

[legal stuff] photo carsten eisfeld, berlin
